Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ — The Unabridged Original 1880 Edition


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Author : casperreads24

Ben-Hur surpassed the fabulously popular Uncle Tom in the 19th century and was beloved for its attempt to faithfully represent the life and times of Jesus, and the person of Jesus himself. This is ironic, given that when Wallace began writing the book, he was not very religious. However, his extensive research into the Holy Land and the Bible brought him to the conviction that while his own book was a work of fiction, the Good Book was not.


Ben-Hur surpassed the fabulously popular Uncle Tom in the 19th century and was beloved for its attempt to faithfully represent the life and times of Jesus, and the person of Jesus himself. This is ironic, given that when Wallace began writing the book, he was not very religious. However, his extensive research into the Holy Land and the Bible brought him to the conviction that while his own book was a work of fiction, the Good Book was not. 20th century readers will recognize Ben Hur more from the 1950’s movie, and might not even be aware that it had first been a book. Typically, the movie isn’t as good as the book, but the movie is also an American classic. Nonetheless, the book’s attention to historical detail and its glimpse into America at a particular point in time gives modern readers deeper insight into both Christianity and the United States in the 19th century. This edition is unabridged and faithfully reflects the version as originally published in 1880.

By Lew Wallace

Additional information

Weight .752 kg
Dimensions 6.140 × 1.25 × 9.210 in