The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran


Author : casperreads24
Kahlil Gibran published “The Prophet” in 1923 and saw immediate success, but its real popularity came after his death. It remains popular today, providing insight and spiritual significance to ordinary human experiences. Gibran poetically addresses topics such as “Love” and “Marriage” as well as more mundane ones like “Work” and “Talking.” Gibran’s “spiritual fiction” does not shy away from deeper aspects of human life, either. Almustafa, the prophet, speaks also about “Good and Evil,” “Joy and Sorrow,” and even “Death.”
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The Prophet by Khalil Gibran is a timeless masterpiece that transcends borders and cultures with its profound wisdom and poetic beauty. Set in the fictional town of Orphalese, the narrative unfolds as Almustafa, a revered prophet, prepares to depart after living among the people for twelve years.

Through a series of poetic discourses, Almustafa shares his insights on various aspects of life, including love, marriage, work, freedom, and spirituality. Each chapter delves into the depths of the human soul, offering timeless truths and profound reflections that resonate with readers across generations.

The Prophet has been translated into over 100 languages, making it one of the most translated books of all time. It has never been out of print since its first publication in 1923, constantly finding new readers who resonate with its message.



About the author

KAHLIL GIBRAN [1883-1931] was a renowned Lebanese-American poet, philosopher, and artist. He is best known for his masterpiece, The Prophet, which has been translated into over fifty languages and continues to inspire readers worldwide. Gibran’s works explore themes of love, spirituality, and the human condition, blending Eastern mysticism with Western philosophy.

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