The Serpent and the Dove by Robert W Cely


Author : casperreads24

Human beings today stand in the midst of a great spiritual crisis. We live in the most technologically advanced age the world has ever seen, in the most prosperous, wealthiest era in all of history. At the same time we are overcome with a great anxiety and dread. We are afraid. We are divided. And we look to tomorrow not with hope, but despair.

Why have we made ourselves so miserable when we have so much? Where can we find hope again?

In The Serpent and the Dove, Robert W Cely goes back to the earliest stories of the Bible – the creation of the world, the creation of human beings, the first marriage, the world as God made it – to find the answers. The world we discover here is not the random and machine-like universe of secularism. Instead, we find a world of mystery and wonder, a world of meaning and purpose, a world that is living, vibrant and full of hope. We find life as it was made by a good and loving God.

If we are to reclaim our hope in life, we must reclaim a vision of life as it was meant to be. Only then can we understand our world, who we are, our place in the grand and spinning cosmos, and why, despite the pain and hardship that we inevitably face, that life is indeed good.


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Human beings today stand in the midst of a great spiritual crisis. We live in the most technologically advanced age the world has ever seen, in the most prosperous, wealthiest era in all of history. At the same time we are overcome with a great anxiety and dread. We are afraid. We are divided. And we look to tomorrow not with hope, but despair.

Why have we made ourselves so miserable when we have so much? Where can we find hope again?

In The Serpent and the Dove, Robert W Cely goes back to the earliest stories of the Bible – the creation of the world, the creation of human beings, the first marriage, the world as God made it – to find the answers. The world we discover here is not the random and machine-like universe of secularism. Instead, we find a world of mystery and wonder, a world of meaning and purpose, a world that is living, vibrant and full of hope. We find life as it was made by a good and loving God.

If we are to reclaim our hope in life, we must reclaim a vision of life as it was meant to be. Only then can we understand our world, who we are, our place in the grand and spinning cosmos, and why, despite the pain and hardship that we inevitably face, that life is indeed good.

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