The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins


Original price was: $18.49.Current price is: $16.49.

Author : casperreads24

Gerard Manley Hopkins is known for his powerful, emotive verse. A devout Christian who sought to convey the majesty of God and his creation, along with the fall of man and his redemption in and through Christ, Hopkins has been well-received and regarded by lovers of poetry of all stripes.


Gerard Manley Hopkins is known for his powerful, emotive verse. A devout Christian who sought to convey the majesty of God and his creation, along with the fall of man and his redemption in and through Christ, Hopkins has been well-received and regarded by lovers of poetry of all stripes. Unfortunately, Hopkins died young, a scant 44 years old, leaving the earth poorer for it.

Additional information

Weight 0.2863 kg
Dimensions 5.5 × 0.31 × 8.5 in

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