Gutenbookpress Digital Coin Phase 3

PHASE 3., once the bugs have been worked out in the process described in PHASE 2, will expand its inventory of books so that it nearly rivals Amazon and Barnes and Noble. At this point, will be able to offer something that none of these online book retailers offer, and that is the ability to purchase hard copy editions of books in print!

PHASE 3 represents a significant and important step in the development of the coin and the platform.

Once step 2 in PHASE 2 has been allowed to run its course, and the mechanisms for conversion to USD have been fully established and considered reliable, the inventory of will be expanded to include a much larger catalog of books. Approximately 10,000 more books will be added to the inventory.

An aggressive expansion of adding other types of products, if they can still absorb a certain amount of volatility, will also occur, alongside the increase in inventory of books.

This will likely involve on-boarding partners and suppliers who are willing to be flexible enough to endure a certain degree of volatility, especially since by this point a great deal of the uncertainty will have been resolved.

The additional kinds of products will increase the kinds of consumers the site attracts, as well.