Return to Pre-Sale! The GutenBuck!

GBUCK Rewards

After the launch of the $GBUCK, links to the pages where one can buy the silver will be provided. Other reward offers will be posted here, too.

Special USD pre-sale offer!

Until the end of the pre-sale, purchases using USD will have 50% of their purchase credited as if SOL was sent to the GutenBuck wallet address. Simply purchase something on the website–anything–and pay in US dollars, and 50% of the product cost (excluding shipping, taxes, etc) will be converted into SOL and deposited after the pre-sale ends into your wallet as $GBUCKs!

There is only one extra step: in the order notes of your purchase, include your SOL address. You will see the order notes section in the checkout process. Look for this content:

make sure you put your wallet address in the order info, otherwise what is the point

At the end of the pre-sale, we will deposit GBUCKs in your SOL address corresponding to 50% of your purchase in USD!