Gutenbookpress Digital Coin Phase 4

PHASE 4., Upon the successful implementation of PHASE 3, will explore going ‘full’ Amazon! Besides books, other products will be offered as well. The number and type of products will be increased. At this point, will be poised to be the next Amazon–but offering the ability to purchase items using crypto-currencies!

In PHASE 4, the entire catalog of books that are available to purchase will be added, representing 2-3 million books.

Staffing will have increased exponentially compared to what was necessary in PHASE 3. The increased staff size will allow for the on-boarding of even more products for sale, as well as the establishment of an affiliates program.

At all times, the coin will be accepted, as well as SOL. But, in PHASE 4, active development of accepting other crypto-currencies will be initiated.

The successful completion of PHASE 4 will result in a site that can compete with Amazon and other online retailers on territory that these companies have not yet made any effort to occupy, as none, so far, have made any attempt to accept crypto-currencies in exchange for products.

At this point will explore going public and becoming listed on an appropriate stock exchange.